Published on February 10, 2012 By Anti-Malware Admin
After discovering a lot of index.html files on sites that are all PHP I analyzed the files and found some JavaScript that created an IFRAME to another hacked site. So I adapted my one-click removal script to repair files with this pattern in them.
Long time user, fantastic product. Thank you for putting so much effort into a tool that is free to use. I have donated and will continue to do so as is needed and as I build new sites for clients.
Thank you again for the hard work and for sharing with the world!!! ALOHA! -- Edward Abraham
I have donated three times at the $29 level on this account, and I think I may have even donated on another account. Thanks for your hard work and efforts with this plugin that I find invaluable. I will be donating again and again, because I use the plugin on multiple sites and think it's only fair to do so. -- Faydra Fields
first plugin i have ever donated to. this is great work. bravo! -- Mike White