
This Plugin is FREE for anyone to download and use on as many sites as they want. Contributions are encouraged to support the continued maintenance and improvement of the Plugin and the Malware definitions. The more support I get, the more time I can devote to making this malware solution more comprehensive, effective, efficient, and informative, and the more you benefit.

Thank you for your Support!

To contribute either login or enter your Key below

Thank you for your support!

Below is a list of what I plan to do with your contributions. Many of these idea's were requested by users and I am more than happy to hear about any ideas you may have. So hear they are, in no particular order:

  • Add a scheduling agent so that you can setup regular scan at set intervals and receive an email report if threats are found.
  • Add an easy way for you to report a specific file to me for closer examination when you find some malicious code that my plugin missed.
  • Make registration optional so you can download the definition updates without registering the plugin.
  • Add a JavaScript method to the login patch for when the session method is not available.
  • Create a list of professionals who are available for hire to remove malware if extra help is needed.
  • Check for new files that don't belong when running the Core Files Check to remove files that have been added to the wp-includes or wp-admin.
  • Create a non-WordPress-wrapper or CLI for people with infections on a non-WordPress site or for when your WordPress admin is not working.
  • Update the definitions of Known Threats as new malicious threats are discovered.

I will update this list when I hear your thoughts and suggestions too.

Here are a few of the major updates I was able to complete in the with past donations:

  • Added a Database scan to find and remove any malicious code injected directly into your content.
  • Added a Core Files Check to scan for any changes to WordPress files and restore them if any are found.
  • Added the ability to change the admin username if the current username is "admin".
  • Moved the quarantine files into the database and deleted the old directory in uploads.

Aloha and Mahalo,

Eli Scheetz


  • This plugin rocks. Thank you so much! This has saved me countless hours of frustration.
    -- John

338 Comments on "Donate!"

  • On September 21, 2016 at 1:53 am, Jane Akshar said:

    I have just donated, your wonderful plugin found problems missed by Wordfence and now my site is super clean, many thanks

  • On September 14, 2016 at 9:00 am, Amie said:

    I just donated! Thank you so much for your wonderful plugin. I used to have so much trouble with my website and now I never have to worry. I appreciate all the work you do!

  • On August 21, 2016 at 4:07 am, Lois said:

    Thanks so much for this plugin, I was finally able to donate $29+. After it saved the day on a website I voluntarily maintain, it helped me prevent potential problems on others. It has been the most practical, affordable solution for an insidious problem. Keep up the great work!

  • On August 11, 2016 at 6:55 am, Holly Powell said:

    Glad to donate. I will be using your plugin on my clients sites as well and will continue to donate to your hard work.

  • On July 15, 2016 at 8:00 am, s bonneau said:

    Thank you again Eli! I really appreciate you man! I made another donation because your plugin totally rocks!

  • On July 6, 2016 at 3:15 pm, Tangeray said:

    Thank you for being a good person. Donated :)

  • On July 2, 2016 at 9:10 pm, Srikanth M said:


    Nice plugin it worked for me perfect


  • On June 14, 2016 at 5:56 am, Eric said:


    Nice plugin !
    I've donated two times but the automatic download of new definitions doesn't work
    whereas i've checked the dedicated square in wordpress backoffice of the plugin ?

    Any idea to make it work please ?
    thanks in advance
    Best regards

    • On June 16, 2016 at 8:16 am, Anti-Malware Admin said:

      Thanks for your donation!

      New definitions are only needed before a Scan is started, so with that box checked the new definitions will be automatically downloaded the next time you initiate a scan. Once I have the automated scan feature finished then it will be more advantageous to have the updates set to automatic.

      • On June 17, 2016 at 4:43 am, Eric said:

        Thanks for answer.
        Automated scan feature will be a great function.
        Waiting for update

        Best regards

      • On January 19, 2017 at 9:41 pm, Scott Wentworth said:

        Great plugin, thanks for the work. Any idea on when automatic scheduled scans will become a reality? That would rock!

        • On January 20, 2017 at 8:23 am, Anti-Malware Admin said:

          I know that be great. I am still working on that feature but my priority has been keeping the definitions of new threat up-to-date. I keep extending my ETA on this feature so I don't know when I will have time to finish it but I am working on it…

          • On April 26, 2019 at 4:11 am, Scott said:

            Awesome plugin still saving my ass from time to time. Thanks for the constant work. How much will it cost to get automatic scans going? Should make it a subscription type option for people that really need it like me :) Should make it worth your time, I think a lot of people will pay for this feature on a monthly basis.

          • On May 4, 2019 at 1:51 pm, Anti-Malware Admin said:

            Thanks for you interest. This is a feature that I am currently working very hard on. I hope to have it ready for pre-release soon, and I will let you know when I have it ready for testing.

  • On June 8, 2016 at 7:29 am, Mauricio Fuentez said:

    This plugin is awesome, I will definitely let my friends about it, thank you so much I just sent you a donation.

  • On May 23, 2016 at 5:20 pm, Agustin Juarez said:

    As promised I donated 29.90 , I have migrated from my horrible old host company to a new one and now I having all my sites online and scanning!

  • On May 22, 2016 at 1:30 am, Seb said:

    Thanks, I really enjoy your plugin. It save me soon much time, and money because I do not loose customers due to hack activities.
    Thanks a lot

  • On May 10, 2016 at 2:49 am, Hubert said:

    Dear Eli, thank You for Your help U are my hero, I have just donated 29,92 usd…. Regards, from Poland :)

  • On May 6, 2016 at 5:34 am, TaraMacG said:

    Fantastic plugin and support service. Well worth donating to. Thanks for the super fast reply and support Eli!

  • On May 3, 2016 at 8:44 pm, Chris Martens said:

    Awesome and helpful. Thanks. Made my donation as well. Continue this great work.

    Best Chris

  • On April 25, 2016 at 1:53 pm, Stefan said:

    I don't want write many words just say thank you so much, your great work safes me a lot of time, Thanks.
    Donated $10 and will send you later more.

  • On April 16, 2016 at 3:33 pm, Craig Adams said:

    I had the famous "This website may have been hacked." appearing in my search results. Thanks to you, my site is now clean and the alert has been removed from the search results. I just donated too :) Eli, you really made my day :) :) :) I'm about to go rate your plug in 5 stars. You deserve at least 10.

  • On April 2, 2016 at 3:23 am, Tracey said:

    Happy to donate! I was able to scan & clean 1/2 a dozen WP sites and not be muscled to pay siteloc to clean my sites — every single WP install I had had been compromised, some in theme headers, one timthumb, and one backdoor. Your plug in was SO easy to use! THANKS!! Keep up the good good work! :)

  • On March 5, 2016 at 5:16 am, William said:

    I have many websites. Is there any way to make one donation to activate the additional features for all my websites?

    • On March 14, 2016 at 9:49 am, Anti-Malware Admin said:

      Yes, If you register all your sites/keys using the same email address then your donations will count for all your registered sites.

      • On July 6, 2016 at 11:26 am, Scott said:

        is there a way to change what email address is registered with a site?

        • On July 6, 2016 at 9:47 pm, Anti-Malware Admin said:

          Yes. If you got the registration email send to that address then you can use the login information provided to transfer your registration.

          If you cannot receive email at the address you used to register then you can email me directly with your key and your registration info and I can help you change it ;-)

  • On March 4, 2016 at 2:25 am, Savvas said:

    Thanks for this awesome plugin. You have saved us from many hours of cleaning up and investing in other expensive security/anti-malware options. Wish I could donate more!

  • On March 3, 2016 at 5:52 am, Andiamo said:

    Just donated to support your work! Thank you thank you thank you. Looking forward to future releases and added functionality. Keep up the great work.

  • On March 2, 2016 at 9:26 am, Chris said:

    Thanks so much for a great plugin! It found some nasty scripts and helped me a great deal! Glad to pay for something that does such a great job!

  • On February 26, 2016 at 3:27 am, Jeremy said:

    Great work, happy to donate to support your efforts. I have used the plugin to clean up some issues and it worked as described.

  • On February 23, 2016 at 3:49 pm, Sean Leber said:

    Thanks for you work! I used this tool on a client's site and was happy to donate $29.29 to the cause!

  • On January 25, 2016 at 7:49 am, Francesco Frapporti said:

    Keep it up! Just donated 50$, but you deserve way more :)

  • On January 17, 2016 at 7:59 am, Yigitcan H. said:

    This plugin perfect ! I donated.

  • On January 11, 2016 at 11:50 am, Sir Apfelot said:

    This plugin is one of those I immediately install after setting up a new wordpress. It is easy to run a complete scan of the wordpress-site and the anti malware plugin even repairs infected files. This feature saves a lot of time, if many files of the custom-files in a wordpress-installation got infected. I am really happy that I found this plugin! Thanks Eli!

  • On January 9, 2016 at 2:01 am, DebLiz said:

    Just donated just under $15 bucks… Didn't really have it to spend but decided it was a massive priority as what this plugin has done for me is something that would have been a multiple hundred dollar investment with any other solution – I'm SURE of it!

    Thank you so much again, Eli; you're an angel! :)

  • On January 6, 2016 at 8:58 pm, Richard said:


    Awesome service – thanks so much.

    Saved my daughters blog… Hostgator tried to link me up with a service costing $99 per month!

    You deserve every donation and all the success in the world…


  • On January 6, 2016 at 8:32 am, Eric Hartmann said:

    Just donated $29.29. Thank you for this awesome plugin!! I'm not a web developer so my knowledge of cleaning up malware and whatnot isn't up to snuff with major players. Your plugin has already saved 2 of my websites infested with malware and backdoor scripts. The last website I scanned had 18 backdoor scripts and 5 malware. After running your plugin, it worked perfectly and cleaned everything up! I can't thank you enough!!

    • On January 6, 2016 at 9:06 am, Eric Hartmann said:

      Your plugin scanned another website and found 54 backdoor scripts, 19 known threats, and 2 read/write errors. All were quarantined and my website's security has been 100% after that! :)

  • On December 30, 2015 at 4:42 am, Doug said:

    It just works!!
    After a long time trying to locate and clean malware from my sites, I installed this plugin and viola! My sites are clean and I have my sanity back

  • On December 22, 2015 at 8:14 am, Alcio Family Golf said:

    Thank you for your product.

  • On November 30, 2015 at 6:03 am, Jeremiah said:

    Great Plugin.. Thanks and keep up the good work

  • On November 15, 2015 at 11:44 am, Xenia said:

    Great plugin, just donated, grateful for your plugin and thanks for your hard and smart work! xx

  • On November 10, 2015 at 6:00 am, Eugene said:

    Hi There Eli,

    Thankyou thankyou thankyou for this plugin I donatede because 1 of my sites had 22 backdoors on it :o I had not a clue it had that many, all my sites were hacked thanks for this plugin and the genius of you and your team :)

  • On October 21, 2015 at 11:14 pm, arwarinseo said:

    Good work

  • On October 10, 2015 at 5:45 am, Sergi said:

    Hi! I run some websites and I would like to make a donation. Moreover, could I use my account in all my different websites, or do I have to create different accounts?

  • On September 8, 2015 at 2:28 pm, tere said:

    You guys are incredible! Not only cleaned my website (nobody could) but scanned the all directory. I am reading your answers offering very personal support too … It is not a very common attitude at a free plugin support.
    Thank you very much, I already donated, good luck with your business

  • On September 3, 2015 at 8:45 pm, WP-Worker said:

    Kaspersky got the alerts and your plugin saved the site tonight. Wordfence did not find most of the infections. Two nasty trojans + the gravity forms mess finally got it. Now Anti-Malware and BPSP are ON!

  • On September 3, 2015 at 8:03 am, Chris said:

    Lifesaver! Thanks so much for providing this service. I just sent over a donation. Your product cleaned off the issues that I was having! Huge thanks.

  • On August 29, 2015 at 5:08 am, Jeff Pavacic said:

    Glad to see you're still at it Eli. You've been a lifesaver.


  • On August 24, 2015 at 10:24 am, pearl pardee said:

    thank you for a great plugin, my webmaster suggested you and we run your plugin religiously.

  • On August 17, 2015 at 12:16 pm, location de voiture marrakech said:

    Great plugin, really a lifesaver. just donated $10. will donate more later for other website.
    Thank you for your hard work.

  • On July 10, 2015 at 1:51 am, rocio said:

    just send what i can give, really you are the king, thank for this tool, is the best tool i have..

  • On June 3, 2015 at 5:33 am, shawn hilt said:

    I ran the plugin and it missed 1 php mailer script that was found by maldet. How can I send you this to add to your definitition list? Thanks for the plugin. Donated!

    • On June 3, 2015 at 5:37 am, shawn hilt said:

      Correction maldet did not find this. It's something I found.

      • On June 3, 2015 at 6:38 am, Anti-Malware Admin said:

        Please email me the file that contains the malicious code and I will add it to my definition update ASAP.

      • On June 3, 2015 at 8:49 am, Anti-Malware Admin said:

        Thanks for sending me this new threat. It turned out to be just a variant of an older backdoor, so I modified the definition update to include this new variation. Please download the new definition updates and let me know if you find any more.

  • On May 31, 2015 at 11:21 pm, RenĂ© said:

    Just made a donation. Thanks for your great software! Keep up the good work!

  • On May 28, 2015 at 3:34 am, elaine said:

    Thanks for your antimalware… saved my small business.

  • On April 13, 2015 at 6:08 am, Matt H. said:

    Thanks for such a useful plugin! One of my sites was hacked and infected a week ago – and is now free and clear of all viruses thanks in part to your malware scanner. Good work – I look forward to updated versions. Cheers!

  • On March 30, 2015 at 10:04 pm, Trish said:

    Thank you so much Eli.. very useful…. I am still running scan … how do I fix "potential threats"?

    • On April 6, 2015 at 7:51 am, Anti-Malware Admin said:

      Potential Threats are usually not malicious. If you find any that you think are infected then you can send then to me and I will add them to me definition updates so that they can be automatically fixed.

  • On March 24, 2015 at 11:01 am, Victor said:

    Thanks for this plugin. Great job and very useful today.

  • On March 8, 2015 at 1:58 am, Tatyana said:

    Thanks a lot for this plugin! My website has been recently hacked (through revolution slider) and your plugin helped me to check for damaged files.

    I really appreciate your great work! Donated twice (also from my other website).

    • On March 8, 2015 at 9:06 am, Anti-Malware Admin said:

      Thank you for the donations. I am so glad that my plugin helped you and I can't tell you how much it helps to have your support.


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