Two installations and two donations. Worth every penny. Eli's plugin found a ton of stuff Sucuri didn't find. Thank you, Eli, for building a great tool to help us keep our Wordpress sites secure! -- Gary Cope
I just wanted to add my own recommendation to the growing list of people who have benefited from Eli's plugin. I was informed by Google yesterday that one of my websites had Malware and was being blocked. This also cancelled the Adwords campaign.
I installed the plugin, did a full scan, it quarantined the malware files and a secondary scan showed there was nothing else wrong. I then contacted Google asking them to rescan the website for Malware and today the website is back up and running!
What was a potentially nightmare situation was made clear and simple to solve by Eli - and he provides it to us for free! I have just made a donation and fully support him in future developements. Thanks Eli -- Jamie Wonnacott
WOW!! Absolutely amazing work!! I struggled for days with a loose malware attack on a server. All my Wordpress sites were infected. I would clean them, but miss one file.... next day all were corrupted again. Your wonderful work cleaned over 7000 instances in minutes. My site remains clean and I am thankful. Donations when I get some cash in my account. THANKS!!! -- Mark