Hi again Eli, I double checked the error_log but nothing related shows up. I tried reinstalling the plugin twice, but it still not working.
Its a really shame, because I tried many anti malware plugins, and by far, your is the best I know.
Is there any way to update definitions manually? Maybe through Ftp client?
I’m desperate
. I’m flying to New York on Monday and need to get this solved, but I cant find the way. Why did I left this to the last moment? lol.
Same happens to me. I installed last version, increased post_max_size, even upload size limit, but it does not work. As soon as you click “update definitions” (mine is in spanish), it goes blank and nothing happens.
I contacted my host provider and the assure there is NO firewall working.
So, as its first install, it won’t recognize any malware.
Any idea?
Thanks a lot.