Anti-Malware Admin

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  • in reply to: Failed to enable Brute Force Attack Protection #2193

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Check the permissions on your /tmp/ directory (or wherever your server stores session files, and also make sure that the partition is not full or write-protected.

    Verify that mod_rewrite is installed and working and that Apache is able to run the code in the .htaccess files.

    You can also look in your error_log files to see if it might tell you what the problem is.

    You may need to ask you hosting provider for help with some of this if you don’t know where to look for these things. Maybe they can test your server’s ability to maintain a persistent session and just tell you what is causing this problem.

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    It looks like fatal_error_handler was originally used in concrete vendor software called Symfony that is available on GetHub, but it may have been re-purposed for one of your plugin or some other malicious code on your site.

    I don’t know anything about AceIDE or sirzooro but they both also have forks on GetHub. Do you know what all the plugins on your site are there for, and can you validate that their source is legitimate?

    in reply to: Register a customer domain under my account #2189

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    No, because reinstalling the plugin does not affect the registration. All you need to do is to click on the green checkbox in the upper-right corner of the Anti-Malware Settings page in the wp-admin of that site. Then change the email address on the registration form and re-submit the registration under your email.

    in reply to: Donation for wrong web site #2187

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Your donation for that one site will show up on all of the sites that you have registered to that same email address ;-)

    in reply to: Interesting detection… #2185

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    The small bit of serialized code that my plugin originally put in that file does have an expiration date built into it but all that malicious code that was added to the top of that file has it’s own rules to live by and it needs to be removed before it has a chance to replicate itself into other files. As with all malicious injections, it is important to remove the malicious code as quickly as possible before it can spread to more of the files on your server. Quick containment and isolations is the key to getting clean and staying safe from further infection and future re-infection.

    Since all the files in that _SESSION folder are temporary and not critical to the core functionality of your site you can delete the whole folder just to be safe. And session files that are needed to validate future login attampts will be recreated by my plugin anyway, and those will all be clean (at least until you get hit by another wave of infections).

    in reply to: Interesting detection… #2183

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    That is supposed to be a simple session log for login attempts on your site. All that other code added to the beginning of the file is a malicious injection that was inserted into that file at some later time. You should definitely let my scanner fix that file, or you can delete the file completely.

    in reply to: locked out of website #2179

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Sorry for not posting a reply earlier, the notification of your post was sent to spam :(

    Anyway, I hope that Steven’s response was helpful and you were able to fix this issue.

    Also, I just checked you site to see if it was working and I didn’t get that error but only because it would appear that Hostgator has suspended your account. I’m guessing that this is because you have had further incursions from hackers, so I wanted to offer you a solution to your current hosting issue and future security issues by moving your site to my own Super Secure Hosting. I can get your site back up and running and you won’t ever have to worry about getting hacked again.

    You can sign-up here if you are interested or email me if you have more questions:

    in reply to: Scan page partially loads #2176

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    It sounds like something is interfering with the page loading on that site or the wp-admin on the site is really broken. Do any other pages load in your admin?

    Can you check the error_log files on your server and send me a screenshot of the problems?

    in reply to: Registration issue #2172

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    If you have already registered the key and you’re not sure what email address it’s registered under then you can click on the green checkbox in the upper-right corner of the Anti-Malware Settings page in you wp-admin to open the registration form, then fill out the registration form with the email address you would like it to be registered under and re-register from there.

    in reply to: Scan potential threats #2168

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Thanks for sending me this code sample. This is another variant a wide-spread threat that has popped up recently. I have updated the definition with this new variant so my plugin should now be able to find and fix this one too. Please download the latest definition update and let me know if there’s anything else.

    in reply to: How to clean DB? #2166

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Thanks for donating, you can register all you sites under the same email address and then the keys will all be on the same account so that your donations count towards all of them ;-)

    My plugin should remove the malicious code from your infected files to stop the spread of this script, but if you already have a bunch of script tags in your DB then you need to remove them manually.

    I am working on a DB Scan feature for my next plugin release and your donations help me allocate time to maintaining and improving this project, so thanks for that and look for this new update soon.

    In the mean time you can try running an SQL statement like this in PhpMyAdmin:

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, '<script src=\'https:// some malicious domain here / malicious script.js\' type=\'text/javascript\'></script>', '') WHERE post_content LIKE '%<script src=\'https:// some malicious domain here / malicious script.js\' type=\'text/javascript\'></script>%'

    Replace both instances of “https:// some malicious domain here / malicious script.js” with whatever path is used in your injected script tags, and don’t forget to escape any quotes in the HTML strings, and it may or may not have “type=’text/javascript’” or other properties in it so check that it matches the code injected into your posts.

    If you don’t have access to PhpMyAdmin or another DB utility to execute SQL statements then you can download my EZ SQL Reports plugin (elisqlreports).

    Let me know if you need more help.

    in reply to: always pop up malware #2164

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Thanks Alain for allowing me access to your sites. I found this new threat in your header.php files and I added it to my definition updates so that it to can be automatically fixed using my plugin.

    I ran the scan again and cleaned both sites and my plugin fixed a bunch of infected files in your theme and in some other plugins. Then I found that there was some SQL Injections in your DB so I removed those for you too. Now both your sites are all clean.

    Please consider making a donation for my time on this, and let me know if you need any more help.

    in reply to: Can I send you some files that were marked as bad? #2161

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    I would really like to help you understand why those files were flagged as malicious. Yes you can send me those files if you need to but you can also examine the results of the scan by clicking on the files listed to see the contents and then click the numbered links to highlight the malicious code in the file (hovering over the numbered links will display the threat name).

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    On closer inspection it looks like this last malicious javascript is included from content in your database. Try looking for the script tag in content right after the last subheading on your home page.

    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Have you run a second scan to make sure that there are no remaining threats, and that none of the original threats have come back?

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