Site unable to load after cleaning

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rasmus Oejvind Nielsen 5 months ago.

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    I just ran the scanner for the first time, because I was hacked.
    The scanner found 63 infected items, and I pressed “fix it”.
    All 63 items were fixed, and according to the pop-up menu afterwards, the site was not broken.
    Now, however, I’m unable to load the site.

    I did all this without first installing a cache plugin. Should I empty my cache manually from the ftp server or is there some other action I might need to do?

    Any help much appreciated.


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Your website is loading fine for me now. Did you already figure out what was wrong?

    Please let me know what you did to fix it, or if you are still having trouble please send me a screenshot so that I can see what page you are having an issue with.


    Hi again!

    Thanks for the quick response :)

    I recovered all of the removed files from quarantine, which restored the site to full function.

    I’ve tried a few different malware detectors, and the basic fact is that I don’t know enough to understand what to quarantine and what to leave as is. Any advice will be much appreciated, but my guess is that I’m going to need to get outside assistance to clean the site of hacked content.

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