scan public_html folder

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Is possible to scan the public_html directory, if wordpress is in the folder public_html/wordpress/ ?


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Yes, it should offer you this option automatically.

    Only 3 of the 47 sites you have registered are in subfolders and I don’t see any of them installed in a wordpress folder. Can you tell me which site this is for?


    the subfolder name (wordpress) is only a demo name… some subfolders, can be “blog”, or “portal”…

    In case “portal” subfolder in domain ECOLCIN.COM, i can rememeber, i could scan all site, include /public_html/ directory…



    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Actually in the case of your WordPress URL is not so this is not technically a subdirectory install. It may be that the site is installed inside a sub-directory that is inside public_html but WordPress does not see it that way. If you have a site that is in the root public_html directory then you can user that site to scan nall the other sites inside it.

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