Scan page partially loads

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mark Hanchard-Goodwin 6 years ago.

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  • #2175

    I have used this plugin on a few site without issue, but on this one new site the scan page just loads the logo and part of the right sidebar – it never resolves – the other pages of the plugin are blank too – deleted and re-installed – still no joy


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    It sounds like something is interfering with the page loading on that site or the wp-admin on the site is really broken. Do any other pages load in your admin?

    Can you check the error_log files on your server and send me a screenshot of the problems?


    Doing some further testing, it seems my hosting company is blocking the installation – even though I have it on other sites hosted with them – I will take it up with them and let you know what they say-


    best regards






    I heard back from my hosting company – this is what they said
    “That error specifically isn’t our end but is based on whatever your site is hosting that Google Chrome is picking up on. If we disable rules via Modsec this still won’t stop any issues from the browser itself”
    This gave me a clue, my main server has ssl so my development sites are in a sub folder and ssl was not set in wordpress settings, so this was throwing up the errors

    Many thanks – great plugin

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