Quarantine Database – View Quarantine

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    I used the plugin to remove 3 malicious files found and now the website is down.  I cannot access the “view quarantine” to see which files were removed.  I don’t remember the path.  Is there a way to view quarantined files through cpanel?  I’d like to restore them from backup to get site up and running.


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    The recovery link is generated on the during the fix process and has in it a nonce key that will display the quarantined file for you to recover if WordPressu have any sesitive breaks, but your site looks to be more broken than just a PHP error in WordPress. Do you remember what files were fixed (it might be something wrong with your .htaccess file)?

    The absolute solution here and the best way to proceed at this point is for you to find out exactly what the error is. This will be found in the error_log files on your server. Ask your host how you can view the error logs (this differs from server to server, defending on how it has been configured).

    If you have any ses=nsitive datato share with me or if you would like my direct help with resolving this issue then please email me directly (this public forum is not the best place to post site specific details).

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