Potential malware not picked up.

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #2382

    Hi Eli , firstly, thanks for a great plugin. I am having a new site built and will install and donate as soon as complete in a few weeks time.

    My question is for my current site. I have Shield Security and the scanner has picked up 4 potential malware infections but Gotmls says my site is clean. This is what Shield shows:


    1. wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/output.class.php

    |  |

    Potential Malware Detected

    Pattern Detected: \/\*[a-z0-9]{5}\*\/

    Affected line numbers: 5235

    False Positive Confidence: 0/100 [more info?]

    Repair Unavailable: Plugin not installed from WordPress.org.4 days ago

    1:12 pm November 16, 2019


    2. wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/framework/functions-wordpress.class.php

    |  |

    Potential Malware Detected

    Pattern Detected: create_function\s*\(\s*['"]{2}

    Affected line numbers: 258

    False Positive Confidence: 33/100 [more info?]

    Repair Unavailable: Plugin not installed from WordPress.org.4 days ago

    1:12 pm November 16, 2019


    3. wp-content/plugins/revslider/admin/views/slide-editor.php

    |  |

    Potential Malware Detected

    Pattern Detected: a,b,c,d,e,f,g

    Affected line numbers: 356, 366

    False Positive Confidence: 26/100 [more info?]

    Repair Unavailable: Plugin not installed from WordPress.org.4 days ago

    1:12 pm November 16, 2019


    4. wp-content/plugins/js_composer/vc_classmap.json.php

    |  |

    Potential Malware Detected

    Pattern Detected: ^.*<\?php.{1100,}\?>.*$

    Affected line numbers: 1

    False Positive Confidence: 0/100 [more info?]

    Repair Unavailable: Plugin not installed from WordPress.org.4 days ago

    1:12 pm November


    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thank you,



    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    I don’t know much about that Shield Security plugin, and I cannot say for sure if any of these are real threats or just false positives, but it looks to me like these files have been flagged by that other plugin for string matches that could could easily have reasonable explanations and benign uses.

    If you would like to email these files directly to me then I would be willing to confirm for you that they are clean.


    Thanks Eli, will email them over tonight.


    Hi Eli,

    Just checking to see if you received my email okay? I replied from an old email that I received from you in Feb 2018.

    Thank you.


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Thanks for the follow-up and for sending me those files to look at ;-)

    I verified that none of those files contain any malicious code and specifically that all the code in the failes that were found by that other plugin are False Positives.

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