locked out of website

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Mike Gadd 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #2173

    I just ran the software and it told me to revert the “fixes” because the message I was reading was still in red.  I did so and now I can’t get into my site at all.

    I get this message Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home3/poqal/public_html/cyclechick.net/wp-content/plugins/woocomerce/index.php on line 77

    I have no idea what I should do now.




    Steven Baron

    I would manually re-upload the WooCommerce plugin.  Alternately you can also disable your plugins which should then allow you to login again and ultimately fix the issue.


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Sorry for not posting a reply earlier, the notification of your post was sent to spam :(

    Anyway, I hope that Steven’s response was helpful and you were able to fix this issue.

    Also, I just checked you site to see if it was working and I didn’t get that error but only because it would appear that Hostgator has suspended your account. I’m guessing that this is because you have had further incursions from hackers, so I wanted to offer you a solution to your current hosting issue and future security issues by moving your site to my own Super Secure Hosting. I can get your site back up and running and you won’t ever have to worry about getting hacked again.

    You can sign-up here if you are interested or email me if you have more questions:



    Mike Gadd

    Hi I keep getting this and have to delete your plugin to get back into the site, would love to keep the plugin working but cannot work outlaw to fix
    any ideas thanks Mike
    140501881: NO_SESSION
    You have been redirected here from mysite.co.uk which is protected by GOTMLS Anti-Malware

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