Goes to white screen after starting scan at just stays there

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cory Jenkins 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cory Jenkins

    Hello Eli,

    I came across your  plugi-in and quickly download ad made a donation after reading the reviews. You have helped a lot of people out man! I have the plugin installed on a site I started managing and when I run the scan it just goes to a blank white screen and stays there. I let it sit for well over an hour and still nothing.

    Any advice?


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    It hard to say exactly what is causing this white screen on your site. It could be that another security plugin you have installed is inadvertently blocking my plugin or the malware on your site is causing a 500 error.

    Check your error_log files. If nothing there then try temporarily disabling any other firewalls you might have and try again. I’m assuming you tried both the Quick Scan and the Complete Scan but I would recommend the Complete Scan for troubleshooting a problem like this. You should see something come up within 60 seconds of when you start the Complete Scan. If not there is either a fatal error that is crashing the scan or other code is blocking the results page.

    Let me know what you find.


    Cory Jenkins

    Hello, and thank you for  the quick response. Your plugin is not crashing the site, but simply not starting and resulting in a white page. I can then navigate to other sections of the dashboard after refreshing.  I have WordFence installed, but have disabled that plugin with no result.

    The site in question is azbigs.org


    Cory Jenkins

    I was able to get the quick scan to work and the full scan works for wp_content, but I can’t get it to scan public_html


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Maybe there are too many sub-directories in the public_html and the Complete Scan is consuming all the memory PHP allocates while indexing all those folders. Or perhaps there is a recursive symlink somewhere in that path. You could try experimenting different Scan Depths other than -1, try positive numbers under 10.


    Cory Jenkins

    Cool, running fine on a 5 now and will try increasing the number after this scan. Thanks for the help!

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