
Home Forums Support Forum Error:

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bart van Doesburg 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #2117


    I have WP MS latest. Using CPT and WP DASH to create a new wp-admin portal for certain user roles: author and editor.

    If any of those user select the – MINE – out of the post overview menu the error below appears. If I disable the plugin no error appears anymore. All other options like – alll – & – concept – & – deleted – ARE working with and without plugin.

    61085326: FW_UserEnum
    You have been redirected here from a site that is protected by GOTMLS Anti-Malware


    Please your help.



    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    By default the Firewall Option to block User Enumeration is Automatically Enabled. This means that any attempt to pass a numeric value for the Author property in the URL that is not in the wp-admin path is automatically redirected. You can choose to disable this protection in the in the Firewall Option under the Anti-malware Setting if you want to allow these link to enumeration pathes that are not under /wp-admin/.


    This setting Solved my issues. Thanks so much.

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