Excellent tool - Cleaned a few Bricks Builder sites in 20min. Needed the upgraded ver tho for the Core files. Absolutely brilliant, considering the s***storm it caused for many others. Total breeze w/ GOTMLS. TY! Can't say enough good words! Cheers. -- Digital Mango
I dont have words to say! I installed your plugin together with Wordfence and Sucuri but only with yours i found the files and deleted the malware from my website!!! I donated you $10. -- Emmanouil Avagiannis
Just wanted to say a big thank you for the plugin guys. I've donated the $29, keep up the good work.
I asked my hosts and sites such as Sucuri amongst others to clean my sites and they all came back saying sites were clean. It was only with your plugin I've been able to properly clean my sites and I've learned so much along the way. Fantastic! -- Niki Gatrell