This application is really a woww.
Fixing the issues immediately and that to without disturbing my website. Superb -- Chandra kant tiwari
Wow, I was overwhelmed and I happened on your plugin. I had found some but I don't know php and some of the php code seemed odd to me. Sure enough, you flagged it!! Stats from my site: 5202 Scanned Files 1074 Scanned Folders Found 4 Backdoor Scripts Found 22 Known Threats
Now just to get my site off the blacklist. Ugh. -- Rick Beethe
Hey Eli,
I am very grateful to you for this PlugIN, so I do not have to program it.
I know how complex it is and how much time you spend with it.
Leave it please free of charge and let the people donate, I have also just done that.
Just because it's worth it to me, really, THANK YOU!