This plugin is one of those I immediately install after setting up a new wordpress. It is easy to run a complete scan of the wordpress-site and the anti malware plugin even repairs infected files. This feature saves a lot of time, if many files of the custom-files in a wordpress-installation got infected. I am really happy that I found this plugin! Thanks Eli! -- Sir Apfelot
I have never, in all my experience on the internet, found a developer so dedicated and so helpful as Eli Scheetz.
The service that accompanies the use of this plug in is unparalleled.
Just made a donation of $29.22 wish it could be much more but times are tight. Had Bluehost alert me to some bad files and told me to use this software. I ran it and found several bad files. Great tool but more importantly is the great support in helping me understand what was going on. I am a big believer in timely support and this guy has it!!! A must for anyone with a wordpress site. -- William Patterson