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Hi Eli -
I purchased your plug in a while back. My SEO consult has advised that I reinstall WordPress because of a Pyaday load code that was in my header. She also found some rewrite code in my website htaccess file (not blog subdirectory). I want to be sure this in not your code before we clean up the file and reinstall. It is as follows. Please let me know if its yours:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.*)?theartfulcanine\.com [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?wp-login\.php(.*)$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?wp-admin$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ – [F]
</IfModule>Hi ELi -
I updated, and ran another scan. It found one threat on the site, but it didn’t seem to clear the Securi Scan (I ran one on the entire site (checked out OK), but when I an a check on the blog directory, it showed the same two spam and malware issues. Why is that?
Your interface doesn’t allow you to scan the whole site. At least not in the interface I installed as a plug-in on WordPress. Am I missing something?
orgot to add, it also found this:
Known Spam detected.
<p class=”nemonn”>By APNWLNS <a href=”” title=”Payday Loans”>payday loans</a></p>Hi Eli, and yes, I ran a complete scan. It found a couple of threats, and I had your software remove them. After that I did a check on Securi’s site, and it showed the same issues it did before I installed your plugin.
Went to Securi (which originally identified javascript malware).
Known javascript malware.
t=”;}}x[l-a]=z;}document.write(‘<’+x[0]+’ ‘+x[4]+’>.’+x[2]+’{‘+x[1]+’}</’+x[0]+’>’);}nemoViewState();What do I do now?