I found it fantastic!!! It cleaned completely my site, from malicious files and database injection. I'm delighted that I was able to contribute $ 29 so you can keep improving. I'm sure I will continue to contribute. Thanks for your excellent work. -- Carlos Garreta
Your plugin is simply amazing!
You should take a look at this.
It is spreading fast!
http://blog.sucuri.net/2015/03/pseudo-darkleech-server-root-infection.html -- Bruno Accioly
i just wanted to drop a line and say how much i like your anti-malware. i run www.foogazoo.com, a very simple site that is just meant to make people smile.
recently, i was attacked by malware, and after several days and trying other fixes, i came across your software. i found it easy to use and most importantly, entirely effective!
so i wanted to let you know, i just donated the suggested $29. thank you eli! -- Jennifer Rutherford