Great plugin! My blogsite was getting repeatedly infected. I paid $$$ to a self-proclaimed WordPress dev shop to get it cleaned. They took my money and claimed to have cleaned up my site but it got reinfected within hours after reinstallation. I then stumbled upon GOTMLS. I ran the plugin. It worked as advertised. 10 days later, my site is still free of infection (knock on wood!). Another thing I love about Eli S is the empathy and clarity in his communications. Anyone who is looking for a solution to a malware problem is not out on a walk in the park, to put it mildly. Unlike the brush-off tone used by many IT folks, Eli's comments totally speak to the user's state of mind. -- Ketharaman Swaminathan
I had the famous "This website may have been hacked." appearing in my search results. Thanks to you, my site is now clean and the alert has been removed from the search results. I just donated too :) Eli, you really made my day :) :) :) I'm about to go rate your plug in 5 stars. You deserve at least 10. -- Craig Adams
Eli is a living legend, this plugin is fantastic and the service from Eli that goes with it puts the richest corporate support in the world to absolute shame. -- Charlie