I don't want write many words just say thank you so much, your great work safes me a lot of time, Thanks. Donated $10 and will send you later more. -- Stefan
Hi Eli,
Just wanted to say how much easier your plugin has made to my life & management of my sites! Malware was constantly being injected into my WP sites so much so that Blue Host shut 2 sites down twice. I'd no sooner get them cleaned and I'd be infected again. The amount of money I paid for cleaning and patching was astronomical. I am not a web builder or coder and clearly I was taken advantage of. I found your plugin through a search, installed on sites, (very easy) and now I run scans on my own, clean what comes and have saved myself a small fortune. I have recommended your plugin to dozens of colleagues and I thank you so much for making this available to techies and non-techies (me)!> -- Lois
I just want to say thank you
your plugin works so well
It has saved my butt again and again
I have just donated a second time because your work is so much appreciated
I was about to give up and delete all my sites when i found your plugin
My hosting provider wanted to charge some outrageous amount that I simply could not afford
I will keep donating whenever I can afford to
thanks again -- Dan Howard