Updates in loop on site with SSL

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Graham Smith

    Hi Eli.  Priceless plugin so I have donated.  Just wondered if you knew why the plugin and definition updates are in a loop on a site I’m running with SSL?


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    So your site is running SSL and the definition updates are not loading?

    I would like to figure out exactly what is going wrong and fix it for you. I expect It has to do with SSL and that my javascript that checks for updates is not SSL.

    Can you email me with WP Admin login info for you site?

    eli at gotmls dot net


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Just wanted to say thanks for letting me into your site. It was helpful to see how the non-SSL resources performed on an SSL site. I have secured my own sites with PositiveSSL now. I have also released a plugin update with the modifications I made on your version so the links to the updates are all SSL compatible now.

    Thanks again for bringing this to my attention and allowing me access to your site so I could fix it.

    Aloha, Eli

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