Scan running in background, access to past report

Home Forums Support Forum Scan running in background, access to past report

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #2098

    Phill Coxon

    Hi Eli!

    Thank you for the fantastic plugin.

    I have two improvement suggestions if they are not already on the roadmap:

    1) Ability to have the scan run in the background so that if the scan window is accidentally closed we don’t have to start over.

    2) The ability to see the past scan reports and / or email a summary of the scan to a specified email address.

    Both of these relate to a scan running in a foreground window for a long time (5+ hours) where it is fairly easy to accidentally close the window ending the scan :(

    On several occasions I’ve either closed the window while a scan was running or after a long running scan had finished but before I’d had a change to look over the scan summary.  As far as I can tell there’s no way to access the scan summary after the window has been closed?

    One other thought – it would be great if you had a PayPal subscribe button so I can subscribe to donate a regular amount to you on a monthly basis.

    Thanks again for the amazing plugin -it’s saved me a huge amount of time and stress on several occassions now.


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Thanks for the suggestions. I do have those ideas in my mind to incorporate into a future release but there or other more pressing updates that I am currently working on right now.

    In the mean time, maybe I can help you figure out why it’s taking so long to scan your site, it should never take 5 hours to scan a site unless there is something wrong on your server. Are there any folders that the scan seems to be spending a lot of time in or does the scan seem to freeze up on any particular folders?

    Can you send me a screenshot of the scan process while it is part way through a scan?

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