redirect from posts by author

Home Forums Support Forum redirect from posts by author


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 6 hours, 26 minutes ago.

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  • #149790

    Bart Everson

    In my WordPress installation, from the admin interface, I’m consistently getting redirected to when trying to view posts by a given author. The site displays the following message: “FW_UserEnum You have been redirected here from which is protected by GOTMLS Anti-Malware.” (Everything else seems to be working fine.) I’ve disabled the plug-in, but the redirect is still occurring. How can this be, and how can I address it? suggests this may be evidence of a persistent malware infection. I’ve run a complete scan and found nothing. Any help much appreciated.


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    First: Never trust an AI to give accurate information. This is not in any way evidence of a persistent malware infection. This is simply a feature of my Firewall which protects against URLs with User Enumeration, like the “posts by author” link you are trying to get working.

    If you delete my plugin then it will no longer protect against this potential threat, but if just disable that one feature on the Firewall Options page in your wp-admin then you can user links with author IDs and also still have all the other protections that my plugin has to offer.

    Please let me know if you need more help or have any further questions.


    Bart Everson

    Thank you for your swift reply. That worked! However, I do have another question. When I temporarily disabled the plugin, the redirect was still taking place, even after a couple reloads. Shouldn’t disabling the entire plugin have had a similar effect to disabling this one feature?


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Yes, with the plugin deactivated it cannot enforce the User Enumeration rule. It was probably a caching issue on your end that caused the redirects to continue.

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