Plugin not reporting malware but Sucuri is

Home Forums Support Forum Plugin not reporting malware but Sucuri is

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1704

    Evie Dross


    I have donated to enable the core check and auto updates but the scan comes back with nothing. Sucuri still reads infected and I have done several scans - I have not made any changes to anything as far as removing files. Please help as I’d really like to get this clean.


    Evie Dross

    Hi, just following up. I noticed you have responded to tickets posted after mines. Any help would be greatly appreciated as the client isn’t able to use certain functionality due to this malware.


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Hey, I just found this unanswered topic, sorry, I didn’t receive the email notification when you posted it.

    Anyway, I looked at you site and I can see the offending script, I just need to track down the source of the infection. Would you be willing to give me your wp-admin login so that I can find it and add it to my definition updates? If so, please send me a direct email, do not post the info on the forum.

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