Scanning a site that has Paid Memberships Pro on it and GOTMLS has flagged two files for known threats. In clicking on the GOTMLS links associated with those two files, a huge swath of contiguous code is highlighted in each file and both of those chunks of code begin:
// Make sure file was uploaded
In looking at the code in question, I’m not seeing anything crazy or dangerous.
What would you need to know whether this was a false positive or not?
Can you please send me a ZIP file of the plugin in question?
You can email it directly to me as an attachment or you can upload it to a file sharing site and send me a link if it is too big to email.
I can then take a look at the code and tell you if it is malicious or if it is a False Positive.
Thank you for sending me those files. I have confirmed that these are in fact False Positives, and I have just released a new definition update that fixes this pattern so that these files will no longer be detected as Known Threats.
Please download the latest definition updates and confirm that those files are no longer flagged in your your next scan.
That worked great. Thanks!