Malware detected by Google

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nels L 6 years ago.

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  • #2217

    Nels L

    Have scanned with Sucuri as well as the MLS plugin.

    This particular malware is not detected on Google Search Console or safe browsing (by google).

    By it is detected by Google Ads detection, therefore disapproving my Ads on Google to my target site.

    Help will be greatly appreciated!

    Below is an email sent by Google Ads regarding my disapproved ads.

    We are sorry to let you know that our next level of support confirmed that the bad links can be found on the page I have mentioned.

    Please communicate with your web developer or web host to help you with removal of those bad links.


    Nels L

    Would like to include that i have done ALL scans on MLS whatever possible, plugins, themes, wp content.

    But still not malware is detected..



    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    This looks like a cache issue. I see that the malware was already removed by my plugin. The problem was that Google only scans their cache of your site and not the live site, they are also slow to react and re-index when changes are made. So it may take some time for them to approve your site after the problem is fixed.

    Make sure that you have a current sitemap uploaded to the Google Search Console to help expedite the current and correct indexing of your clean site.


    Nels L

    Thanks Eli, i will update it and see how it goes.

    Thankful for your plugin and help thus far. Continue the excellent work!

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