I have changed my URL so do I need to apply for another registration

Home Forums Support Forum I have changed my URL so do I need to apply for another registration

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  T T 12 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #375

    T T

    Hello ,
    Thank you for the Great Plugin !!!
    I have changed my URL from www to non www and under Definition Updates I get this message :Your Installation Key is not yet Registered!
    Should I re register ? or how do I use my existing account ?
    Greatly appreciate your help and pointer .


    Eli Scheetz

    The key is generated from the URL so you need to register the new URL. If you register it using the same email address it will be on the same account.


    T T

    Changed my URL and register with another email and deactivate /activate the plugin and I am on ! It worked ! Thank you very much ….

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