I work for a charity that helps build websites for other charities/small businesses. One of our clients has had an issue with malware on their site. After some research, I believe that it’s a ‘Pharma hack’. I’ve already scanned and removed some threats, but haven’t been able to remove them all. I believe that some infected files are in a folder in the root directory, but there isn’t a choice in the plugin settings for me to scan the root folder itself. Is there any way that I am to do this? Thanks.
What site is this for?
If you want to send me the WP Admin login I will look at it for you. You can email me directly: eli AT gotmls DOT net
Thanks for sending me your login. The public_html directory is the root of your site and there were some new threats found there. I added them to my definition update and moved them to the quarantine along with the rest of another threat that was fond on the last scan. There were no Known Threats on the USER directory above public_html so I think you are ok there.
Please let me know if there is anything else.
Thank you Eli. As soon as I am back in the office, I shall make a donation. Great plugin!