How to delete infected files, and how to prevent the re-intrusion of malware

Home Forums Support Forum How to delete infected files, and how to prevent the re-intrusion of malware


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    I have installed a licensed Avada on website – when I publishing the site a few hours later there was a link that’s in the context of firefox/ network showed slow loading site.

    After installed your plugin he identified several infected folders and files.

    How can I delete them and how it is possible to prevent that again does not come on website?

    The same problem I had, and a few days ago. when I deleted wordpress changed cpanel, ftp password, and re-install all the new site is now again the same occurs.

    Thanks in advice for helping out me with this issue



    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    My plugin will remove Known Threats (in Red). If you are removing those Threat with my Automatic Fix and they are coming back the next day then you may need to move you site to a more secure server. I do offer Super Secure Hosting for $12/month per site if you are interested, I can more your site to one of my servers and I guarantee it will not be reinfected again.

    If you want to share more info about your problem you can email me directly (a screenshot would be very helpful).

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