He deleted the files and the site does not work

Home Forums Support Forum He deleted the files and the site does not work


This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 1 year, 7 months ago.

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    oscar munoz

    It is the first time I use the plugin, I put it to scan and it detected some files, I proceeded to tell it to delete it and I can no longer enter my site: nuevo.distilledinnovation.co

    help please I don’t know what to do, how do I recover what I deleted, I HAVE NO BACKUP
    These were some files that it detects and deletes, it was what I was able to capture, when the scan was about 40%



    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    My plugin doesn’t delete files, it just removes the malicious code from the infected files and every change is automatically backed up in the Anti-Malware Quarantine. There is a link on the results page that will revert your changes in case something goes wrong and you can also review and revert any changes made from the Quarantine page in your wp-admin. Please contact me directly if you need more help but if you have deleted any files yourself (manually, not through my plugin) and you don’t have a backup then there is nothing I can do to help you with that, you may need to re-install WordPress if that is the case.


    Ledger Wise

    How do i get the files our of quarantine?


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    The Quarantine is an archive or backup of the file contents from before they were fixed or cleaned by my plugin. If the plugin made a mistake and removed some code that was not malicious then you can restore this code by going to the Anti-Malware Quarantine page in your wp-admin and selecting those files on this with the checkbox on the left, and then click the “Restore selected files from quarantine records” button. But you also need to tell me about it and send those files to me so that I can review the contents of those files and correct the detection if the definitions are truly misidentifying that code.

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