Generic Drug/porn link inserted on my sites

Home Forums Support Forum Generic Drug/porn link inserted on my sites

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Todd Schafer 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Todd Schafer

    i scanned my site using and it said i had Malware. MW:SW:SEO.

    i found it on this page  in the footer area…  and only showing in safari. Sucuri says it is on a few other pages too but i don’t see it there anymore either….

    it was a very large block of paragraph text with generic drug names and a link to a porn site. I tracked down a snippet of code in the wordpress editor area. i think it was either the main index or page.php templates. I also discovered a page that was created that had the link in it.

    so i deleted the string of code that lead to the page and deleted it i then deleted the page that the link was on and the links disappeared. but i do another scan in and it says i still have malware on the same pages. what should i do? i have about 17 wordpress sites on my server that have this issue.

    any help would be much apreciated.


    Todd Schafer

    i forgot to mention i did a scan with your anti Malware plugin and it finds 40 yellow Potential Threat warnings and that is it. but i don’t know what to do from there?



    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Aloha Todd,
    I think you may have already cleared up the threat on this site. sucury actually caches the scan results so if you click on the link on to “Force a Re-scan” then I think you will see that it is clean.

    If you have other sites that are infected with this threat and it was not detected by my plugin then I would love the opportunity to look at one of your infected sites before you fix it so that I can add this new threat to my definition update. If you are willing to give me a WP Admin login to one of your infected sites then I will do this right away so that you can update my plugin and use it to clean all your other sites automatically.

    Mahalo, Eli


    Todd Schafer

    Aloha Eli,

    I am definitely a lover of the Hawaiian culture!  Thanks for the tip on sucuri’s caching..That makes me feel much better! I will be scanning the rest of my sites and will let you know if i find it again.


    Thanks for your help!

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