Finishing a clean up. Question about license.txt, radio.txt

Home Forums Support Forum Finishing a clean up. Question about license.txt, radio.txt

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 1 month, 1 week ago.

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    I’m finishing up a clean-up of a friend’s site. Thanks for the great plugin.

    This very morning I replaced the WP Core and then started a new scan.
    And it found the license.txt to have an issue. I diffchecked the files and there is no difference, yet the size is different? Can I ignore this?


    Further to that, in the root of my server I found a radio.txt with a number inside. Can I safely delete this? the number is 84f8640fbdde16cc553ac608f6e5e1afeeae1873

    Thanks :)


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    I am curious how there could be no differences in two files that have different file sizes, it seems like there should be some difference in file contents even if only in the spacing or returns between lines. If that’s all it is then I suppose you could ignore it, but in case it’s more than that I would suggest that it might just be safer for you to fix this file. What version of WordPress did you download to compare the license.txt file?

    It sounds like the radio.txt file just has some kind of key or tracking number in it. I can’t tell you what that is used for without more info on what put it there but it can’t be harmful by itself, and it’s always possible that it was put there by a plugin that you are using and that it is needed for some kind of registration or account tracking purposes. You can always rename it or move it to a secure folder somewhere else to see if the file gets regenerated and then try and determine what scripts are responsible for writing that file.

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