Empty index.php file inserted

Home Forums Support Forum Empty index.php file inserted

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 2 years ago.

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  • #89534


    After plugin install there are empty index.php file in all the directories. I know that this for security reason as this disable directory browsing.

    Is there any option to disable this option? Problem is that on this Public html there is another WP site (sub directory) with Wordfance which see this as a threat.

    Best regards, Miha


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    Thank you for sending me an example of these index.php files you found throughout your site. As I mentioned in my direct reply, these new index.php files have nothing to do with my plugin. My Anti-Malware plugin does not create index.php files in every directory, but some other security plugins might do this to prevent directory browsing.

    There is no malicious code in that file you sent me so it is not likely to be part of a known threat.

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