Brute Force not installed

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi, I dowloaded and donated to your malware for wordpress program.  I love how simple it is to use.  I am having a problem though with the Firewall.  Brute-Force protection comes up as Not Installed, and too the right where the status buttons are it says “your server could not start a connection!”  I’d love to get the brute force protection working, if possible.  Thanks!



    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    In general this message indicates that your server was either unable to start a persistent session or that the rewrite rules in the .htaccess files are not affective. There could be many causes for this that you should bring up with your hosting provider. Maybe you have restricted access on some directories or there is a permission problem on certain folder. If your hosting provider is not helpful in this and you can send me a screenshot of the Firewall settings page then I can try to help you troubleshoot further.


    Hi! I also made the donation. I receive the message No response from the server. Any idea what to do?


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    If it’s not a session issue on your server then maybe you have another plugin or firewall that is blocking rewrite scripts from loading in within the wp-content directory?

    As I mentioned in my first replay, it would help if you sent me a screenshot of the firewall settings page in your wp-admin.

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