Automatic Removal Doesn't Work.

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Shane Lirette 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    jeff chopick


    Automatic Removal Doesn’t Work. I have tried on 3 domains and still no luck. It tells me what files are infected and I can edit them manually, but will not automatically fix issues.


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    First, I hope you are talking about “know threats” because “potential threats” are not meant to be automatically removed as they are usually not malicious.

    Second, it would help me to know it what way it is not working for you. As you can probably imagine it is working fine for most people (myself included). Of the few reports I have received about this kind of problem nobody that I have replied to has gotten back in touch with me about the specifics of there issue.

    Please help me help you. I want fix the plugin if there is something wrong, however, in all the cases where I have heard back from anyone, it turn out that they were only finding “potential threats”. So, please respond with more details about this issue.


    Doesn’t work for automatic removal for me either. It just goes to a blank page and sites there. ie: wp-admin/admin.php?page=GOTMLS-settings#found_top


    Eli Scheetz

    Thanks for reporting this bug. I think I have an idea of what might be going on. Would it be possible for me to get admin access to your WordPress? I could then confirm the issue and fix it for you.

    If so, Please send me an email with credentials and a link to your login page.

    Mahalo, Eli


    what’s your email address?


    Eli Scheetz

    wordpress at ieonly dot com or registrations at gotmls dot net


    login emailed. Thanks.


    Eli, Thanks for going above any beyond in getting our website cleared of it’s infestation of malware!

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