Anti-Malware is not seeing the backdoor or other script issues that quttera is

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  site admin 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #2080

    site admin

    Yes we are seeing that bug also.

    But Anti-Malware is not seeing the backdoor or other script issues that quttera is. We have had issues since Sunday, installed anti-Malware and paid for the subscription but it is not seemingly fixing the issues as despite the site appearing clean it is then re infected. We have emailed you re this but you haven’t responded to us.






    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    My plugin did find and fix known threats on your site and quttera says it’s clean too now.


    site admin

    It did yes, but it was displaying an issue similar as per where I originally posted this message “bug in the code” but have now created it as its own thread.

    public_html / wp-content / plugins / woocommerce / includes / admin / views / html-bulk-edit-product.php


    tr __ (‘% 1 $ s (% 2 $ s)’, ‘woocommerce’), wc_format_localized_decimal (0), get_option (‘woocommerce_weight_unit’)); ?> “value =” “>


    and at the same time quttara was displaying many others, which we now are fairly confident were all false positives. Anti-malware didn’t find the back door though as a far as I cant tell?

    We believe it was in a plugin which we hope we have disabled, we believe that was allowing the malware to be uploaded. I think you’ll also find in the log it found a whole raft more on Tuesday, and when it repaired these files it caused issues in the site to prevent working properly.

    The confusion over the fact that your software had had an issue in a scanner, potentially still did, that Quttara was giving us further potential issues, that our host wasn’t seeing gave rise to confusion over where the issues lay.

    We manually checked the file Anti Malware flagged and several from the 24 malicious ones that Quttara flagged and could see no difference to the original files, and took the view that Qutarra was having a false positive issue that your software had flagged.

    We are not attacking you and I am sure you get hit with lots of requests for help, but if you had responded to email sooner it would have certainly helped, the main point was to share the issues we had, to see if it required changes your end, and to confirm the issue another member had with a scan.

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