All my sites are down

Home Forums Support Forum All my sites are down


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anti-Malware Admin 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #34199

    I downloaded this to all of my sites and did the donation as well.  Everything was fine and then this afternoon i checked my sites and all of them were being redirected to some unknown location and i cannot access any of them.  Was told my sites were hacked.  I thought this would protect from something like that happening.  Please help asap


    Anti-Malware Admin
    Key Master

    A firewall like mine can stop many of the most common attacks from adversely affecting your site, but no firewall can stop your site from getting hacked, there are just too many ways for hackers to get into your server that a firewall cannot control. If you are using any firewalls and all you site got hacked then it sounds like it was either a root level attack on your server or else your account or control panel on the server was hacked. You need to talk to your hosting provider to secure the server and your account.

    If you need my help with anything here then you should contact me directly via email (do not share any personal info on this public forum):

    eli AT gotmls DOT net

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