Great plugin! My blogsite was getting repeatedly infected. I paid $$$ to a self-proclaimed WordPress dev shop to get it cleaned. They took my money and claimed to have cleaned up my site but it got reinfected within hours after reinstallation. I then stumbled upon GOTMLS. I ran the plugin. It worked as advertised. 10 days later, my site is still free of infection (knock on wood!). Another thing I love about Eli S is the empathy and clarity in his communications. Anyone who is looking for a solution to a malware problem is not out on a walk in the park, to put it mildly. Unlike the brush-off tone used by many IT folks, Eli's comments totally speak to the user's state of mind. -- Ketharaman Swaminathan
Thank you so much for saving my blog :-) -- Ryan Smith
I cannot say how thankful I am to Eli and his plugin. Simply the best support I have ever received from any company. I posted a support question and he literally emailed me in 30 mins and helped me through the issue. Amazing !! We cleaned 2 entire sites with Malware and saved me a ton of $.
I have since then implemented the plugin on a number of my sites. -- chris jones