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Anti-Malware Admin
Key Master

The nonce tokens are stored in your database, so if it’s not just the fact that too much time is going by and the tokens are not truly just expiring, then perhaps there is an issue with your WP_options table. Maybe the table is read only or some other process is preventing the nonce tokens from being stored or is removing them from the database.

How long does the scan take and how long after the scan is done are you running the automatic fix on the threats that are found?

Have you tried the quick scan?

Have you tried limiting the complete scan to only the areas where you know that threats are found?

Have you tried fixing some of the threats as soon as they are found without waiting for the complete scan to finish?

Can you send me a screenshot of the complete scan results so that I have a better idea of how long the scan is taking and how many files it’s finding and where they are?