I was asleep at the wheel - too busy building WordPress sites for others and failed to pay attention to my own.
Yesterday I had reason to login and was whacked with the big red Google Malware screen - scared the hell out of me!
Got busy checking out the options for tracking down and killing the nasty stuff and after trying a few I found your plugin Eli - AMAZING JOB!
Other plugins tell you there's a problem but don't make it easy to know where to look - your program pointed me to every single problem and then took care of it all for me.
I now have a clean (and updated) site again thanks to you Eli - please accept my small donation along with my sincere gratitude for all your hard work!
Just wanted to say thanks again Eli, your free plugin saved our Xmas sales and your support on Xmas Eve was awesome. Have donated twice. Merry Xmas. -- matthew mayer